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☆   Attendees will know you as The Platinum (Moon) Tier supporter-sponsor. You have the attention of a targeted audience to share your products and services.

     Included in this Platinum sponsor package: 

☆ An on-site booth allocation, premium location by Cuisine Stations, where Attendees will have an area to engage and network with your Representative(s) for maximum exposure.  All sponsors are not allowed to be on-site, only top 4 tiers to provide you with greatest exposure. 
☆ Your position will be in center, with the other 2 tier sponsors, however you will have the middle placement. up to one (1) 6’ table and two (2) chairs for your representatives to display your information/product, see attached booth layout diagram.
☆ Use of 2 standing banners, by your booth, on each side.
☆ You are entitled to provide an additional edible promotional item at your booth, with pre-approved item(s) by H.O.P.E.’s planning committee.
☆  The Platinum Tier display of logo and Company’s corporate message on our 100” screens throughout event, for 5 hours. 
☆  A 2-minute live message by your representative at a prime point of the event AFTER the Diamond Sponsor OR you can also provide us with a 2-minute video with a captioned message to run throughout the event.
☆   We will send all guests a follow up with an appreciation acknowledgment to you as The Platinum Tier supporter-sponsor with your personalized message to them and how they can contact you.

The Platinum (Moon) Tier supporter-sponsor

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